The data speaks for itself

After completing our training, students report significant increases in strategic thinking, problem solving, and executive communication skills.

How would you rate your strategic thinking skills?
How confident are you in solving complex or ambiguous business problems independently?
How confident are you in crafting a storyline and designing a Powerpoint presentation for executive audiences?

Option 1: Enrol your team into our self-paced video courses

We offer group licenses for organizations that want to enrol their team in our strategic thinking, executive communication, and other courses.

This includes:

  • Purchasing a course for your entire team to address a one-off upskilling need (e.g. executive communication using PowerPoint).
  • Purchasing access to all courses and integrate them into your organization's employee onboarding process to improve the "speed to productivity" of your new starters.

How much does it cost?

We offer competitive bulk-seat pricing for organizations who purchase our courses for their team.

In addition, we also offer tailored pricing for organizations that expect to purchase seats on an ongoing basis (e.g. as new employees join their organization).

Pricing is dependent on the number of courses and seats, so please reach out to discuss how we can best serve your organization.

Option 2: Bespoke workshops tailored to your organization

Want something more customized?

We can work with you to design and deliver workshops that are tailored to your organization.

Here are some ways that we customize workshops for you:

  • We can design the content of the workshop by selecting any combination of topics or modules. This ensures that the content is targeted at your team's specific needs.
  • We can incorporate examples and assignments that are specific to your organization to ensure that the content is highly applicable for your team.
  • We can customize the format and timing of the sessions to work around your team's existing commitments and available capacity.

How much does it cost?

Pricing vares based on the number, length and content of any workshops -- but starts at $5,000 for a standalone workshop. If you're interested, please reach out to discuss how we could co-create training for your team.

Let's discuss corporate training

Fill out the form below and we will reach to organize a no-commitment discussion about your team's training needs.

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